My usual gets a hearty make-over, with a latte-art by my new friend, Greg...
So he says that he used to do this in the past, but after not doing it for some time, he's a tad nervous over the task of dressing my mocha... I believe he's not yet preparing my drink in this picture...

First, got to have 'em micro-bubbs... the secret to a fine latte art is good quality foam, so it has to be stable and stay rather firm through-out the pouring process. A quick whizz to the good old full cream milk, and we're ready to go. Talissa looking on...

Letting the foam stand a while, he quickly prepares the soul of the drink, the double-espresso shots...

And after mixing coffee and cocoa, it's time to pour in the milk, first the fluid milk carefully mixed into the concoction to create the mocha drink (no point having a good looking cup that tastes horrible) so this step is just as important (if not more) as painting the cap later...

And nearing the brim, Greg let the coarser bubbles take form while carefully pouring the later portion of the stream across the pool of white... and there you go, a heart!

Taa daa..!

The master-piece..

Although Greg can be a bit of a perfectionist, and let out a painfully disappointed sigh at his work... not that I know any better, but macam ok saja tu...

We'll have another try sometime soon. Next time - daun! Haha

Greg, boleh bah kalau kau...!

Greg (or Gory as he is better known) is a store coffee-master and has been with Starbucks since the initial opening in KK a little less than a year ago. You can find him making your favourite drinks at the Starbucks Palm Square (Centre Point) Outlet.

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